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Hair transplant and assessment

Three steps are necessary before hair transplantation

The first step: the interview prior to the transplant project

It deepens the relationship between the patient and the surgeon. This first consultation will:


  • Explain in detail the micrograft process, in particular its technique, its results, its costs, its contraindications according to its specific characteristics.

  • Collect medical and surgical history, as well as family history of baldness.

  • Express the patient's personal history of hair loss, identify, in addition to its date of appearance, the possible factors that triggered this loss, the treatments followed or the interventions already undergone.


The second step: the clinical hair examination

It is dedicated to personalized hair diagnosis which includes:

  • Palpation of the scalp to assess its elasticity.

  • A measurement of hair density on different areas of the skull.

  • The densitometry examination, using a micro camera with a magnifying effect which allows:


- Checking the thickness of the hair in each area.

- Counting hairs and therefore determining the density per square centimeter of the donor area and the areas to be implanted.

- Identifying and counting hairs in the telogen phase (end of life) in each area, in order to target areas at high risk of rapid loss and establish the best therapeutic strategy.

The third step: choosing the hair implantation project

At this point, the surgeon should have all the details about the patient. For example, old photographs, hairstyles, hair direction, combing direction, etc. are very important for the practitioner. A natural look will make the result more satisfactory.

The surgeon will remind the patient that this is only a redistribution of existing hair in the hippocratic crown or donor area. LThe patient must accept that the density obtained by his new hair implants cannot be the one he had before.

Depending on the age and size of the baldness, it will therefore be necessary to choose, or even prioritize, an area to be replanted, rather than the entire area if the baldness is extensive.

In the field of hair transplants, to guarantee a good result there are 4 criteria to take into consideration:

1 The patient's expectations of what the intervention should achieve.

2 The stage of alopecia.

3 The characteristics of the hair (quality, texture, thickness, etc.).

4 The capacity of the donor area.

It is important that the patient and surgeon agree on honest, achievable goals for the procedure and that the patient continues to maintain achievable goals after the completion of their first procedure and for future procedures.

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